Driving growth at

Bay Atlantic University

engagement length: 3.5 years

Bay Atlantic University, a higher education institution located at the heart of Washington, D.C. needed to drive up enrollment in its Bachelor’s and Master’s programs.

  • 10x increase in total applications

  • 177% increase in enrollment

  • 78% decrease in tuition discounts

Optimized the admissions process

  • Implemented Salesforce CRM and mapped out the admissions process from lead to start

  • Expanded the Admissions team, cross-trained, and set individual KPIs

Expanded application sources 

  • Drove expansion of partnerships with recruiting agencies and platforms

  • Increased geographical reach through in-country representation

  • Implemented targeted country-specific advertising and PPC campaigns to increase awareness and drive applications

Significant web traffic increase

  • 1588% increase in monthly users

  • Executed SEO strategy to “own” keywords relevant to BAU

  • Implemented Content strategy that generates massive traffic and builds brand awareness and authority

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