Hyper-local growth at

Pacific College

engagement length: 1.6 years

Pacific College, a nursing school in California, engaged SGP to drive up enrollment in their new Family Nurse Practitioner MS Program and their completion degrees

  • Executed sustained 360-degree hyper-local campaigns

  • Generated over 1400 qualified leads

  • Over 70 original articles published

Hyper-local Direct Mail Campaigns

  • Nursing is heavily regulated at the state level, and research indicates that most of the students live within 50 miles of the school

  • SGP created a DM campaign to a very targeted list of 8000 nurses that lived within 50 miles radius of campus

  • Generated 260 high-quality leads

Targeted Email Blasts

  • 8000 targeted email addresses

  • Continued exposure to the brand via Online Display Ads, Social Media, and PPC

SEO & Content Development

  • 896% increase in organic keywords

  • 1894% increase in first-page keywords

  • 70+ original blog articles published

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